Warehouse Voice Picking & Labor Training

Voice Technology has grown exponentially in recent years, and its ability to eliminate paper processes and drive “hands-free” process optimization makes it one of the ideal solutions for achieving greater efficiency and increased productivity while gaining a safer workplace.

Voice Picking is a proven technology that uses voice commands to guide warehouse operators in their tasks, primarily order preparation, but also inventory control, replenishment and put-away.

This technology also adds value in a wide variety of applications, including:

Goods handling

Voice technology can be used in warehouse handling operations (apart from classical order picking operations such as: receiving, put away, replenishment, packing, kitting and shipping driven by instructions provided by the WMS. It an also seamlessly integrate with other technologies such as conveyors, vertical WHS systems, PTL/PTS operations, Auto store, etc.


Voice Picking can also be used to carry out inventories. Operators can use Voice Picking to record the location and quantity of products in stock.

Data collection

Voice Picking can also be used to collect data on warehouse operations. The Voice Picking solution can be used to record information on picking times, picking errors and damage to products.

This technology offers a number of benefits for companies, including:

Increased Productivity

Increased productivity

Reduced Errors

Reduced errors

Improved Safety

Improved safety

Increased Operator Confort

Increased operator comfort (user satisfaction)

Analytical Visibility

Analytical visibility