Advantages of Voice Picking solutions for companies

April 9, 2024
Warehouse Voice Picking & Labor Training

Voice Picking is a technology that uses voice commands to guide warehouse operators in picking orders. This technology also adds value in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Goods handling: Voice technology can be used in the main warehouse goods handling operations with receiving, putting away, replenishing, packing, kitting and shipping supported by instructions provided by the WMS.
  • Inventory: Voice Picking can also be used to carry out inventories. Operators can use Voice Picking to record the location and quantity of products in stock.
  • Data collection: Voice Picking can also be used to collect data on warehouse operations. Operators can use Voice Picking to record information about picking times, picking errors and product damage.

This technology offers a number of benefits for companies, including:

  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced errors
  • Improved safety
  • Increased operator comfort (user satisfaction)
  • Analytical visibility 

Increased productivity

Several studies have shown the positive impact of Voice Picking on productivity. A study carried out by the Aberdeen Group found that companies using Voice Picking increased picking productivity by up to 30%.

Another study, carried out by McKinsey & Company, found that companies using Voice Picking reduced picking time by up to 20%.

Voice Picking increases productivity in several ways. Firstly, it allows operators to keep their hands free to handle the products. This means that operators don’t have to stop what they’re doing to consult lists or screens, handle mobile devices or pen and paper. This can lead to an increase in picking speed. Secondly, Voice Picking in which the system guides the operator through sequential tasks, which eliminates the need for operators to have to write down or remember information. This allows operators to concentrate on the picking task, which also leads to an increase in speed.

Reducing errors

Consider how Voice Picking eliminates the need for operators to write down or read information on paper or a mobile device. This helps operators to concentrate on the picking task, which can lead to a substantial reduction in distractions and the likelihood of errors. Similarly, because this technology provides immediate feedback to operators, they can quickly identify and correct errors if they occur.

The same studies cited above are clear: there is a positive impact of Voice Picking on reducing errors. The Aberdeen Group study found that companies using Voice Picking reduced the number of picking errors by up to 50% and the McKinsey & Company study indicates that companies using Voice Picking reduced error recovery time by up to 70%.

Improving security

By giving operators greater autonomy and freedom of movement, Voice Picking technology allows them to keep their hands free to handle products – essential arguments for reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall safety rates. This element is reinforced by the fact that operators don’t have to look down to consult lists or screens. The result? Less risk of falls or collisions with machinery.

What’s more, because Voice Picking provides immediate feedback to operators, they can identify and correct potential hazards quickly, which can help prevent accidents.

Increased operator comfort

The same arguments for freedom of movement and greater concentration on tasks are behind increased operator comfort. Having their hands free to handle the products reduces employee fatigue and stress and encourages increased workforce satisfaction. 

As there is no need to consult data sheets, screens or handle mobile devices with product information, operators can concentrate on logistics tasks with a more natural and defensive posture, which protects them and allows them to work more comfortably and confidently.

How to implement Voice Picking solutions 

Considering implementing a Voice Picking solution? CodeOne has extensive experience in this market, with proven track records and case studies installed in some of Portugal’s largest companies. 

To implement Voice Picking, companies must have their warehouse previously organized and equipped with warehouse management software (WMS – Warehouse Management System). The necessary components are the hardware, which typically consists of a headset with a microphone and a wireless communication device, the integration software between the WMS and the voice device, as well as the definition of a dialog based on the previously established workflow process.

Implementing Voice Picking also requires operator training, as they need to learn how to use the hardware and the dialog that has been defined and implemented.

Contact us to find out how we can help you improve warehouse performance, reduce errors and improve operator safety and comfort.


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